Clinics Midland Xinyun (Cathy) Soh
Xinyun (Cathy) Soh

Hi, I'm Xinyun (Cathy) Soh

Physiotherapist at Midland

For Cathy, the true joy of being a physiotherapist lies in witnessing significant improvements in her clients or seeing them gain a deeper understanding of their condition.

She has clinical experience in various settings such as public hospital wards, paediatrics, and aged care and finds immense satisfaction in supporting individuals in reaching their own health and wellness goals.

“I believe education is the most important element in our [treatment] sessions. I like to help people understand their condition so they are able to manage it independently.”

The most rewarding part of her work is witnessing clients regain their previous level of functionality. She empathises with the frustration of losing some physical independence, and aims to restore that autonomy for her clients, no matter their injury.

Her motivation to come to work each day is driven by the clients who value and appreciate her help. The relationships formed and the trust built with her clients are invaluable, inspiring her daily.

Clinic Details

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday: 8:00am – 7:00pm
Friday: 8:00am – 6:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am – 12:00pm

Call us

Call us on 08 9250 7772 to talk to one of our friendly team members.

Visit us

6 Centennial Place
Midland WA 6056